If you’re out of rockets, you’ll be in for a long and drawn-out fire fight.ġ ) Cyberdemon – The Cyberdemon is probably the greatest video game villain of all time. Its death cry is pretty fucking amazing, too. Its terrifying cry is probably the best sound effect you’ll ever hear. They might look harmless enough, but don’t let that big smile fool you: get up close to one of these bastards and you’ll be barbequed alive.Ģ ) Baron of Hell – This awesome-looking beast likes to hurl green fireballs that are capable of transforming your space marine into a pool of giblets. However, there’s one very good reason why it missed out on the top spot: if you start Dis with 80 cells in your BFG 9000, the ultimate boss in the game is over in about 10 seconds.ģ ) Cacodemon – This massive ball of evil likes to levitate around The Shores of Hell, spitting balls of lighting at passers-by. 3) In a death match, no demon in the game can beat it. In groups, they’re virtually unstoppable.Ĥ ) The Spider Mastermind – There are three reasons why this demonic monstrosity deserves to be placed at the top of the list. They might move around slowly, but their rate of fire more than compensates. Not only are they hilariously-fat, but their death sequence is probably the best in the game (after the Baron of Hell). Super.ĥ ) Mancubus – Doom 2’s highest entry is actually a damn good demon. If you do manage to kill one, you’ll be rewarded with a chaingun. They can easily wipe out any one of the following without any assistance: Arachnatron, Cacodemon, Demon, Imp, Lost Soul, Mancubus and even Revenants. They’re actually a very good opponent, but they make far too much fucking noise to ever be considered a top 5 demon.Ħ ) Heavy Weapon Dude – Even though a precise shotgun shot will kill them, they can prove potentially deadly to their fellow demons. Thankfully, their guns’ rate of fire is much slower than your own plasma weapon. Instead of a super chaingun, they’re equipped with a plasma rifle. Claiming their dropped shotgun can often prove a lifesaver.ħ ) Arachnatron – They look a lot like the Spider Mastermind… only a lot smaller. Once you’ve mastered sawing up demons, you can move onto more powerful foes.Ĩ ) Shotgun Guy – They might be common as muck, but they’re so fucking handy to have around. However, they’re excellent fodder for chainsaw practice. When they die, they’re turned inside out it’s a sight you’ll never get tired of seeing.ĩ ) Demon – They’re not particularly exciting to look at, and they’re not particularly difficult to kill. They’re still more powerful than most other demons, but if you’ve got a super shotgun, they’re easy enough to take care of. However, it’s unfair to have too many Barons kicking around the place, so these weaker examples offer a good alternative to the one of the best baddies in the game. 10 ) Hell Knight – Yes, shading an existing sprite a different tone and renaming it is very lazy.